Happy New Year!
Today is the day that millions of people around the world make a New Year’s Resolution. Losing weight, eating healthier, and working out more regularly are some of the more popular resolutions. I wanted to find out what parenting-related New Year’s Resolutions the AP community is going to make this year.
The following are a few of the responses that I received from API staff, the blogging team, and a few regular readers of API Speaks.
This year I am resolving to try to admit when I am wrong, including to my
kids. I am also resolving to make more of an effort to include my kids in
the housework, even when it would be faster and easier and more efficient
to just do it myself.
My resolution is to attend La Leche League meetings as I strive to breastfeed my daughter (currently 6 months old) for at least 2 years, as well as help to promote the goodness of breastfeeding in my community!
This year, I plan to make at least 2 meals each WITH my kids, teaching them kitchen safety and food prep.
I’m holding the intention to manifest a few things in 2010 for the benefit of my daughters, ages 3 and 1. One, I’m going to incorporate more self-care into my life so that I’m not running on empty most days and better able to be fully present and nurturing in our daily interactions. I’ll call it the “Happy Mama Trickle-Down Effect”: Regular exercise. More sleep which will mean going to bed before midnight. Dedication to eating greens every day. Development of sugar alternatives for desserts. My diet is essentially my girls’ so they will have direct benefit there. And, I have a strong hunch that sleep and exercise will influence, if not fully enable, my second intention for parenting in 2010: more consistent patience with my 3 year-old.
I will engage in more self care this year so that I can have more energy, stronger health, and be a more patient and present parent.
If you’re the resolution-making type, what is your parenting-related New Year’s Resolution?
Photo: ba1969