It’s Going to Be Okay

“I’m not going in.” Kaylee screamed as I opened the door to our apartment building. It had been months since I left and the transition coming back from her dad’s was still difficult.

She was tugging on my shirt with alligator tears clung to her cheeks and snot running down her face.

“I wish you and daddy lived together… I want to live with both of you… I want to live in our old house…” The sentences were separated by heaving breaths and my heart dropped every time I heard her gasp for air.

“I know its hard. You want us to be together.”

I gave her space and let her know I was available for a hug. I smiled at anyone who passed and stayed with her, allowing her to release the strong emotions.

After what seemed an eternity, she calmed enough to come into the building and we walked to the elevator.

The moment we got into the apartment, she ran to the couch and returned to crying.

“I hate it here and I hate you!” She screamed.

It wasn’t upsetting to hear the words, but to have known she meant it. At least for a moment.

At that moment, she was feeling enough pain to hate the person she loved most.

A pain I had the key to solving and would not.

I stood there, alone, looking around the room and into her eyes as if this pain would just disappear.

I breathed. I did everything I could to stay connected to my heart so I could hold the space for her response and then let it go.

I wondered when this would end. When she would accept having two homes and separate parents. And then I realized that it may never. That the desire to have her parents together may always be there.

Just like I wish my father was still alive, she wants nothing more than to go back to being a family.

But that is life. Filled with so many opportunities to learn the most difficult lessons.

Lessons only love can heal.

And part of parenting is learning how to be the neutral, loving support your child needs when life brings them a trial. When all you want to do is solve their problem and wipe their tears away.

After a few minutes, she calmed down and ran over to me.

“I love you mommy.” Relief came over me as I felt her arms wrap around my neck.

“I love you too.” I closed my eyes and held her tight.

And in my head I told myself, “Its going to be okay.”

Author: Wendy

Wendy is a mom to the most incredible little girl, who has inspired her time and time again get through the greatest challenges of her life. Wendy and her daughter have been through many adventures together including Wendy's bout with cancer, an unhealthy marriage that ended in divorce, and a fairly tale romance remarriage. Wendy is thankful to API for all the support and insights that have helped her hold the space for her daughter through the ups and downs of life.

2 thoughts on “It’s Going to Be Okay”

  1. Thank you for this. I am going through a divorce right now and dealing with a lot of guilt and fear about how it will affect our 12 month old baby girl. I want the best for her. Is there an API support group for single moms or parents?

    1. Hi Carolina, I send you lots of hugs and love. It is a difficult path. Just remember love. I am confident it is all you need to heal every ill. When you feel strong enough, read The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce. Not exactly uplifting, but it is useful information to understand how divorce affects children. Their experience is much different from our own. I think AP practices are a gift for every family and make a huge difference in how any trial effects our children. From what I know there is no group specifically for singles that is ap, though I am sure there are moms in your local group that are or have dealt with separation and divorce. Good luck and much love, Wendy

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