The deadline for the next of the 2010 monthly parenting blog carnivals is coming up quickly. If you’re interested in submitting a post on API’s 3rd Principle of Parenting, Respond With Sensitivity, the deadline is Friday, April 9.
Here’s an excerpt from API’s 3rd Principle of Parenting:
You can build the foundation of trust and empathy by understanding and responding appropriately to your infant’s needs. Babies communicate their needs in many ways including body movements, facial expressions, and crying. They learn to trust when their needs are consistently responded to with sensitivity. Building a strong attachment with a baby involves not only responding consistently to his physical needs, but spending enjoyable time interacting with him and thus meeting his emotional needs as well.
The Respond With Sensitivity Principle goes beyond establishing that strong attachment with your baby and goes into learning how to respond to older children as well. Think of a two year old having a tantrum, how do you respond sensitively to this emotional outburst?
Think beyond that to the childhood years. For those of you with older children, how have you responded to your child with sensitivity in mind?
To submit a post for the Respond With Sensitivity Blog Carnival, please use the API Speaks Contact Form. Also review the blog carnival details to ensure that your post has the required text.