Let’s build a photographic image-base demonstrating our strength for Word Power – and share it with the world!
The AP Month theme this year is “Word Power: Communicating for Connection” because we’re working toward changing the tone and content of our conversation with words that build up and nurture each other and our children.
Our AP Month theme this October focuses how and what we communicate, recognizing that far too often we forget the power of our words. We have the ability to make change with our words, as well as to hurt each other. Show us how you are a word hero by striving to use power words like “I love you,” “I appreciate you,” “You matter to me,” and so much more, to connect and flourish. We invite you to send photos of you and/or your children in your superhero capes (whether dish towel, blanket, or homemade), and help us show our word power. In addition to our photo essay, we are collecting statements your children say they most like to hear you say to them and those can be submitted to apiphotos@attachment
In gathering a photo-collage of word power, we hope to inspire individuals, families and other organizations to continue the idea.
Guidelines to submit your photos for consideration:
- Send your photos to to apiphotos@attachment
parenting.org. - Email subject should read “2017 AP Month photo event”.
- Include your name, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number at the beginning of your message.
- Subjects in your photos need to give their permission to use the photo for these purposes.
- Preference will be given to personal, candid photos.
- There is no fee to participate.
- Submissions can be any size, black-and-white or color, and should be attached to the e-mail message as a JPG or TIF.
- Photos are reviewed for theme before they appear. Only one submission is necessary.
- Contest opens October 1st 2017 .Please “Heart” your favorite photo. The prize is the community that we build together, and we may use your photo in one of our publications!
By submitting your photo to API, you attest that the photo is your own and hereby give API permission to freely use the photo on its website, in its publications, or in any of its materials with any resulting proceeds to fully benefit API as an organization. Only the top selected photos that are high resolution (300 ppi/dpi at 8×11″) will be considered for our print magazine cover.
Promotions will not be accepted and API will only include photos that uphold the theme for AP Month, reserving the right to remove any photos.
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