Ensure Safe Sleep, Physically and Emotionally Blog Carnival Deadline is Friday

The deadline for the next Attachment Parenting International Principles of Parenting Blog Carnival is this Friday, June 11. The theme for this month is Ensure Safe Sleep, Physically and Emotionally.

Here is an excerpt from API’s 5th Principle of Parenting:

Parents can help their children learn that bedtime or naptime is a peaceful time; a time of quiet connection and snuggles. Even though young children may outgrow needing to eat during the night, they might still require comfort and reassurance.

We will also be hosting the carnival entries for API’s 4th Principle of Parenting – Use Nurturing Touch.

For more information about participating in the carnival, read this informative post and then submit the link to your blog post via the API Speaks Contact Form.

The Gift of Being a Flawed Parent – MP3 Now Available

The MP3 of the latest API Live Teleseminar is now available for download. On Monday, May 24, 2010, author Lu Hanessian joined API Co-Founders Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker to discuss The Gift of Being a Flawed Parent.

Are you enjoying the ride with your children…or feeling burdened by vicious circles, self-doubt and guilt?
Do you feel regretful of your reactions and exasperated by the dynamics with your child?
Do you wonder if you’re messing up with your kids?

On this call, API founders Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson talk with Lu about how:

  • our “flaws” are actually pathways to raising resilient, secure, connected kids
  • understanding the brain science of attachment can give us our roadmap for reconnection even if we came from a painful past with insecure attachments
  • we can create or “earn” a secure attachment so we can offer this to our kids

You can support API’s mission and take advantage of the knowledge and experience API Live’s special guests by signing up today. Every dollar of your sign up fee goes toward education, support and outreach for parents in need.

After purchase, you will get an email with the download details for this exciting MP3.

Purchase the MP3 now.

The Gift of Being a Flawed Parent

Did you know that API hosts live teleseminars on important parenting topics with some of today’s most noted experts? In the past, the API Live teleseminars have featured Dr. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett discussing parental depression, Dr. Bob Sears chatting about autism spectrum disorders, Mothering magazine editor Peggy O’Mara discussing how we can get real with ourselves and our children, Ina May Gaskin speaking on the topic of the gift of loving your best birth, and much more.

The next API Live teleseminar will be held on Monday, May 24th at 9pm ET where Lu Hanessian will be speaking about “The Gift of Being a Flawed Parent” – How to Use Our Mistakes, Conflicts and Fears to Raise Kids with Big Hearts, Emotional Security and Inner Resilience. Lu will be joined by API co-founders and authors of the book Attached at the Heart to discuss how:

  • our “flaws” are actually pathways to raising resilient, secure, connected kids
  • understanding the brain science of attachment can give us our roadmap for reconnection even if we came from a painful past with insecure attachments
  • we can create or “earn” a secure attachment so we can offer this to our kids

For more information or to register for this event, visit the following webpage: API Live – The Gift of Being a Flawed Parent with Lu Hanessian.

Babywearing, Infant Massage, and More

Although today was supposed to be the Use Nurturing Touch blog carnival, we are going to push it back one month and combine it with next month’s carnival on Ensuring Safe Sleep, Physically and Emotionally. If you’ve already submitted your carnival post on nurturing touch, rest assured that it will make it into next month’s carnival post. If you’re here looking for information on using nurturing touch including babywearing, infant massage, and more, fear not for I have compiled a list of links for you to peruse.

Use Nurturing Touch – One of API’s Eight Principles of Parenting
Babies are born with urgent and intense needs and depend completely on others to meet them. Nurturing touch helps meet a baby’s need for physical contact, affection, security, stimulation and movement. Parents who choose a nurturing approach to physical interactions with their children promote development of healthy attachments. Even as children get older their need to stay connected through touch remains strong.
Continue reading “Babywearing, Infant Massage, and More”

Use Nurturing Touch Blog Carnival Deadline is This Friday

The fourth installment of the 2010 Attachment Parenting International Principles of Parenting Blog Carnivals is quickly approaching. This month’s blog carnival will focus on API’s 4th Principle of Parenting – Use Nurturing Touch – and the submission deadline is this Friday, May 14, 2010.

Here is an excerpt from API’s 4th Principle of Parenting:

Touch meets a baby’s needs for physical contact, affection, security, stimulation, and movement. Skin-to-skin contact is especially effective, such as during breastfeeding, bathing, or massage. Carrying or babywearing also meets this need while on the go. Hugs, snuggling, back rubs, massage, and physical play help meet this need in older children.

To submit a post for the Use Nurturing Touch Blog Carnival, please use the API Speaks Contact Form. Also review the blog carnival details to ensure that your post has the required text.

How To Make The Most Of Your Time – Lockdown Or Otherwise

Arguably one of the most sought after pursuits of man is the pleasure of lovemaking. The best part about sex is not just the actual act, but the buildup to the heights of passion. This involves multiple stimuli, the sense of touch, smell and for most individuals it is the sense of visual imagery. Regardless of the times that one lives in, lockdown or no lockdown, this can be one of the most fulfilling and interesting activities of all time. Here are some ways that hentai femdom can spice up your life and your passion with imagination.

Fantasy Is The Trigger That Creates Greater Desire

Without the element of fantasy there is no passion. The act of lovemaking comes with desires and a fantasy of something that makes it more appealing. This is where hentai femdom has a big impact. You get to relive your fantasies from a collection of Valm lubricants, visual imagery and storylines. For instance, you may have deeply desired to have a fantasy nigh with muscular men. Hard-working women need to be entertained by hard-bodied men. This is often one among the motivating ideas behind a male strip club: to offer you a fun and unique experience for your lockdown. Here, you get to enjoy yourself with as male strippers lockdown offer you a show you’re not soon to forget. While it is possible that you can have the chance to have one yourself by contacting male strippers melbourne, you can enjoy the pleasure of a wild, no-holds barred session in your mind.

Visuals Are Powerful And Relate Easily

Having to interpret content can be a bit of a bore, when it comes to fantasy and passion. The best way is to see powerful, rich renditions that awaken your senses and bring your dreams to life. Visuals relate easily to individuals and help give a form and shape to the deepest desires. Many individuals have secret desires that they are unwilling to share openly. These desires are expressed only when like-minded individuals get together. It is a personal decision, an option to exercise one’s mind and desires in the pursuit of imagination. Make yourself comfortable in the privacy of your home and indulge in your passions through the fantasy of the website.

Choices Galore That Do Not Leave You Disappointed

One of the biggest problems faced by most individuals is the lack of choice. For instance, an individual may prefer to be in the company of a partner with a specific body type or facial features/expressions. However, most individuals end up with a partner who does not have the perfect combination of all desires. Either the body type may be perfect, while the facial features/expressions may not be as per choice. This creates disappointment. This is the same when it comes to visual imagery depicting favorite acts. The site has a wonderful collection, designed to give individuals the widest possible choice of fantasized partners.

If you find yourself in the mood for something that is kinky, with an element of fantasy in it, then the best way is to get on the site and pursue your passion. Choose from a wide variety of characters with the perfect assets of your choice to take you to the heights of passion. Go ahead and relive your fantasy in complete privacy, with total discretion and make the most of your time, lockdown or otherwise.

She’s Sleeping in Her Own Room Now

My daughter is six and guess where she is sleeping now? In her own room. That’s right, babies who cosleep grow up into young children who cosleep but don’t always turn into high school students that still need the comfort provided by sleeping in your room.

When my son began cosleeping I heard many people caution me “He’s going to be in there forever.” I don’t recall any of my friends in college going home after classes to sleep in the family bed, do you? I threw caution to the wind and followed my son’s cues.

Between two and three he moved into his own bed in his own room. I think he moved out because baby sister moved in. We certainly didn’t force him but he made the choice and we followed his lead.
Continue reading “She’s Sleeping in Her Own Room Now”

Respond With Sensitivity Blog Carnival – 2010

Welcome to this month’s edition of the 2010 Attachment Parenting International Blog Carnivals. Today’s carnival focuses on the 3rd Principle of Parenting – Respond With Sensitivity.

Here’s an excerpt from the Principle:

You can build the foundation of trust and empathy by understanding and responding appropriately to your infant’s needs. Babies communicate their needs in many ways including body movements, facial expressions, and crying. They learn to trust when their needs are consistently responded to with sensitivity. Building a strong attachment with a baby involves not only responding consistently to his physical needs, but spending enjoyable time interacting with him and thus meeting his emotional needs as well.

Below is an excerpt from each contributor as well as a link to read the post in its entirety. If you didn’t get a chance to participate this month, join us next month as we celebrate API’s 4th Principle of Parenting – Use Nurturing Touch. The submission deadline is May 14. Click to find out more about participating in on of API’s monthly parenting blog carnivals.

Without further ado, here’s how other attachment parenting families Feed With Love and Respect. Please note that these links will open in a new window.
Continue reading “Respond With Sensitivity Blog Carnival – 2010”