Happy October! This month, we celebrate Attachment Parenting Month among other important observances such as awareness of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences).
For many people, October brings with it a change in seasons. Transitions can be rejuvenating.
You may have noticed that API’s homepage has a new look with different verbiage and direction. Note the new logo and organizational name at the top of the homepage.
API has been a very effective organization within the parent education and support field for more than 25 years. We have raised awareness internationally to the importance of nurturing parent-child attachment to healthy child outcomes.
This October, we introduce you to the next stage in API’s evolution…Nurturings, a different kind of parenting resource that aims to spark flourishing for parents, children, families, and communities.
We’ve seen parents struggle with overwhelming disruptions in their everyday family life…such as, but not limited to, the pandemic…and become evermore stressed-out, seeking advice from the online treadmill that is, yes, helping us survive social distancing but that also drowns us in information. The result is parenting advice that promotes isolation and often frustration rather than flourishing.
Nurturings is designed to be a reliable guidepost to families while also empowering parents. We aim to deliver what you and every parent needs to flourish:
- Lower and buffered stress;
- Effective coping skills;
- The space to learn and share broad research and experiences about healthy, effective parenting;
- The ability to choose what fits your needs;
- Encouragement as you progress in the areas of your parenting that matter most.
Everyone needs nurturance, and everyone belongs in Nurturings.
There are 3 core parenting rings to Nurturings:
1) Replenish – Feeling balanced is incredibly important for parents. Among the many ways that promote balance, that is so often overlooked in our society, is the clear need for deep social connections with like-minded parents.
2) Nourish – Gaining the knowledge base needed for effective parenting is as important as balance. We help nourish parents through infusions of researched parenting information delivered through peer-parent groups.
3) Practish – Yes, that misspelling was intentional…practish (rather than practice) because what we want to see is progress, not perfection. Sharing your experiences builds your local peer-parent group knowledge base and gives you validation and added insights for more confidence and lower stress. Full circle.
That’s what Nurturings is all about: Replenished and nourished parents practishing with one another and celebrating each other’s progress. Full circles of flourishing.