Subtle Snuggle Hints

Usually, when we sit in the living room, I am on the couch between both kids either reading to them or watching TV with them or commenting on their sword-fighting moves; whatever we are doing I am engaged.  But last night I was sitting in a chair with my laptop, only half-present.  I had my head down and was typing when JJ wandered over and said matter-of-factly, “Mom, if you ever need someone to snuggle with, I will.  I will snuggle with you.”

I replied, “OK, thanks,” and continued typing.  At which point JJ placed his 2 little hands flat on either of my cheeks and turned my face toward his so he could look right into my eyes and our noses were not quite touching. “DO you need someone to snuggle with you?”

Oh, got it.  “Yes!  I do.  Right now please.”  He presently climbed onto the back of the chair and draped himself across my shoulders, sucking his thumb and twirling my hair.  I put the laptop down and was present once again.

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