Waiting For a Rainbow

It’s 5:00 am…rainy…cold…very blustery outside.  Inside there is fire…tea…writing…solitude…ahh.  It’s one of my favorite times of day.  Made even more cozy than usual this morning by the stark contrast of the icy rain pelting the windows and the quiet warmth in here.  I sit here, enjoying my time alone, wondering what kind of day the kids and I will have.  Lately, they’ve not been easy.  I just wonder if, one of these days, we’ll have a pleasant day from wake-up to bedtime?  Is that possible to have a day without conflict and frustration?  Would it even be interesting?  Right now it sounds pretty welcome.

I took this picture just a few days ago from our front porch.  It’s one of Portland’s wintertime perks; we see lots of rainbows. They are the “pleasantness” that appears after a rainstorm (though “storm” is not really the right word, as it’s more like a constant, steady rain for varying periods of time).  Always, after we’ve had some rain, I’ll start checking out the windows thinking, “Is it time for a rainbow yet?”  I’ve learned what rainbow weather looks like; the rain dwindles, but doesn’t disappear completely, and the sun begins to show itself, though not completely or directly.  The sky is a perfect blend of grayness and light.  Then there is a stunning display of color…not everlasting but a beautiful, welcome change from the rain.

Is it time for a rainbow in our house yet?  Maybe today will be “rainbow weather” for us.

4 thoughts on “Waiting For a Rainbow”

  1. I hope today is a rainbow day! If not, try to embrace the moments of goodness! I am sure after the turmoil of moving and being pregnant is over, the rainbow will return!

  2. Thank you for sharing this photo & sentiment. I’ve often thought about getting up early – even a bit earlier than usual – to grab a hold of some of that solitude. Of course, that would require getting to bed earlier… 😉
    I’ve found that when I’m in the midst of a day of chaos – maybe deadlines at work and bickering children – focusing on peacefulness, exuding it, talking about it, putting it out in the universe, even asking for it, seems to help.
    Yesterday, I asked my children if they’d like to have a “quiet time” – each in their own spaces with their own activity for a period of time – and not only did they LOVE the idea, but they did it happily (and I took my own quiet time with a cup of coffee at my computer) – and want to try again today!
    To more peaceful moments to come!

  3. This is a helpful concept for all of my life: no matter how rainy it is now, hold out… rainbow-weather will come! (Just gotta keep an eye out for that rainbow or you might miss it!! I do a lot of missing rainbows & just noticing that “it’s STILL raining a little bit”.) Like I said, for me the meaning of your post goes way past parenting. Thank you. 🙂

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