Don’t forget to check out today’s other Wordless Wednesday submissions!
Author: API Blog
APtly Said, Formerly API Speaks launched in April of 2008 as part of Attachment Parenting International's larger effort to offer interactive content through their newly-redesigned web site: http://www.attachmentparenting.org. All contributors to APtly Said, as with so many of API's staff, are volunteers who donate their time and energy to promote Attachment Parenting world wide.
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My back is crying.
heehehee! Clever title. Um… poor little boy. His face is in a bad spot.
Now that’s a load! All you need is another on the front…
That’s what I call hands-on parenting! 🙂
Great entry! I’d love to babywear too but my daughter hates it. Or I just really don’t know how!
And they love every minute of it!!
I don’t know why, it just reminds me of the song, “they ain’t heavy, they’re my girl and boy.” 🙂
Yeah I sort of changed the lyrics. Not sure if you know which song I am refering to 🙂
Wow, what a work out. How far of a walk was it? Ant eaters also carry their young on their backs LOL. Thanks for sharing.
The things we do as parents.
Luckily, I’ve always had my hubby around when my 4.5 yr old needs a quick shoulder ride. But I”m sure the day is coming when I’ll be doubling him up with my 9 month old daughter.
Is that an Ergo I see? I LOVE mine……
Now that takes some doing. Good way to stay in shape though.
So not too long after my daughter was born, I was brave enough (foolhardy enough?) to venture by myself with the two kids to the zoo. For some reason, I didn’t bring a stroller for my son that day (he was almost 2 and really wanting to walk), but I had my tiny daughter tucked away in the pouch sling.
When Gabriel got tired about 1/2 mile from the exit and refused to walk any further, I had to hoist him onto my shoulders just like this picture, except with baby on the FRONT, so I had to protect her head–and my chest–from his kicking feet.
Boy, was I glad to make it back to the car after that experience!
WHOA!! daddy taken on a lot there. that wonderful.
Been there. Done that. 🙂