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Attached at the Heart: Parenting Program Online

Apply For Upcoming Training


February 2025

2025 26 Şubat, 2, 5, 9 Mart (12 Mart) / 2025 February 26, March 2, 5, 9, 12 (Day 5)

4:30-9:30 PM Local (Istanbul)

Şubat/Mart 2025 (Feb-March 2025, Online UZMANLAŞMA-Eğitmen Eğitimi Programı) 2025, 26 Şubat, 2 Mart, 5 Mart, 9 Mart, 12 Mart (Total 25 hours-25 saat)

Eğitmen: Dr. Aslihan Tokgoz - Onaran Contact: , Instagram: Türkçe /Turkish BAŞVURUN /



March 2025

2025 March 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14*

10am-3pm PDT

Trainers: Victoria LeBlanc, MS, LCPC and Tina McRorie, MA

Available CE: 17.75 ICEA, 17 L-CERPs, 3 R-CERPs, mental health professionals (US only) 17.75 credits** 

*April 14 is the last training day if you plan to teach parenting classes. Otherwise April 7 is the last day.

** CE authorizations: Attached at the Heart Parenting Program Online has been approved by NBCC for NBCC credit. Nurturings/Attachment Parenting International is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. NBCC Approval No. SP-4346.



June 2025

2025 June 27, 28, 29

11.00-19.00 GMT+2

Trainer: Maria Papafilippou, MSc

Online Training in Greek Language



September 2025

2025 September 5, 12, 19, 26, October 3*

10am-3pm EDT

Trainers: Victoria LeBlanc, MS, LCPC and Tina McRorie, MA

Available CE: 17.75 ICEA, 17 L-CERPs, 3 R-CERPs, mental health professionals (US only) 17.75 credits** 

*October 3 is the last training day if you plan to teach parenting classes. Otherwise September 26 is the last day.

**CE authorizations: Attached at the Heart Parenting Program Online has been approved by NBCC for NBCC credit. Nurturings/Attachment Parenting International is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. NBCC Approval No. SP-4346.



Attached at the Heart Training Events

Attached at the Heart Training Events

Looking for parenting classes? Please visit this directory. 

If you're a professional who works with parents, we welcome your application to train with us. Qualified professionals are invited to apply and register to train in the Attached at the Heart Parenting Program (AHPP). Some of the benefits you'll experience training with us include:

  • Joining a growing network of global parenting professionals using Attached at the Heart Parenting Program in their practice
  • Expanding your knowledge of child and parent development and helpful, science-based parenting skills that parents in your practice will use
  • Participating in live online training in small groups for meaningful, deepened learning
  • Learning in a spaced training schedule that allows for reflection and stronger learning
  • Six months of mentorship that qualifies you to teach AHPP parenting classes or supports and accelerates your non-teaching practice
  • Ongoing support in a community of practice
  • $700 all-inclusive pricing without hidden or extra fees
  • CE credits as available


You'll see and hear the difference in the parents you work with as you discover new ways to become a more effective catalyst in their change. You'll help them recognize and make choices they weren't able to see before and you'll guide them to strengthen the beneficial positives they're already practicing.


Invite others to train with you! Each training requires 15 participants.


The AHPP Training consists of 

  • 1 hour orientation to access the training platform
  • 20 hours of content training delivered in 5 hour blocks across 4 weekly sessions 
  • 1 5-hour training day + required teaching for professionals who want to teach AHPP classes to parents as an AHPP Trained Instructor
  • 100% live-online training in small-group sizes for high participation
  • No additional fees. Everything  - orientation, core training, six-months of extended sessions and all materials  - is included in the training price


You'll expand your knowledge and skills across a range of research-based topics that are synthesized for understanding and application. You'll deliver effective, powerful, healthy parenting and child outcomes through AHPP training that covers:

  • Introduction to the Eight Principles of Parenting, attachment, the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) on lifelong health
  • Building a team of supportive adults around parents and children
  • Healthy birth and postpartum practices, child nourishment, oxytocin's role in parent-infant health
  • Empathy, coping with stress, responding to child crying, nurturing touch
  • Healthy and safe sleep habits, navigating parent-child separations and childcare
  • Positive discipline and healthy guidance as children increase exploration over time
  • Healthy parent-child relationships and keeping children safe as they mature
  • How to access the network of AHPP-trained professionals 


When you complete the 20 hours of AHPP core training, you will 

1. Be ready to share new knowledge and skills with the parents in your practice

2. Receive a Certificate of Completion

3. Receive any applicable and available CE credits

4. Choose an extended six-month training option (included in the training price):

1. Mentorship Program

  • Completing this program is required if you plan to teach AHPP classes to parents as an AHPP Trained Instructor. 
  • Requires an additional training day
  • Requires that you teach a full set of AHPP classes within six months of the core training 
  • Includes six structured support calls designed to guide you through the Mentorship Program completion
  • Expires 6 months after core training  




2. Training-to-Practice sessions 

  • Professionals who do not plan to teach AHPP classes to parents can choose to attend six semi-structured topical discussions
  • Designed to help you apply AHPP with parents in your non-teaching practice 
  • Expires 6 months after core training


Training completion does not warrant API accreditation, nor does it serve as a license to practice mental health therapy or psychological and medical counseling.


Read more: Attached at the Heart Parenting Program Features

Here is What Our Attendees Have Said:

The lesson plans are meticulously organized, easy to follow and beautiful! I'm excited to present this information to parents. ~ Participant

While I am a therapist with training in trauma and attachment, having the material available in a way that is accessible to parents has been very helpful. I also appreciate that this course covers so many topics that are applicable to new parents, who are eager to learn and have questions about so many of these topics. ~ Participant

A 2022 AHPP evaluation revealed that 85% of respondents would recommend AHPP training to others, saying that training was an easy, satisfying, positive experience with effective materials that helped them feel confident teaching and using what they learned.

Meet Our Trainers

Barbara Nicholson, MEd, CEIM, AHPP Co-Author

Team Trainer
Barbara Nicholson, MEd, CEIM

API co-founder, co-author of Attached at the Heart (AATH) book and curriculum, parent educator and speaker served as a La Leche League support group facilitator for over 25 years. Her early education and training as a special education teacher and long service as a parent group leader supporting breastfeeding has grown to include her passion for parenting education and professional lead trainer for the AATH program..


Lysa Parker, AHPP Co-Author

Team Trainer
Lysa Parker

API co-founder, co-author of Attached at the Heart, parenting educator and speaker has blended her training and experience in special education, human development and family studies into a career that has included special education, parent education, curriculum development and professional trainer.


Samantha Gray

Team Trainer
Samantha Gray

Samantha was the API Executive Director for 14 years and supported the AHPP program development. She works as the executive director of a community theatre, Theatre Bristol, and as the coordinator of Bristol's Promise Parenting Education Program and Parenting Sweet. She writes a weekly column for the Bristol Herald Courier on parenting and teaches weekly Attached at the Heart Parenting Program Online classes.


Victoria LeBlanc

Team Trainer
Victoria Leblanc

Victoria is a therapist, parenting coach, public speaker, trainer, wife and mother of two. Her specialization in attachment, trauma, and at-risk youth allows her to take a holistic approach to family work.  She is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC), with a Master's degree in Health and Human Development from Montana State University. 


Aslihan Tokgoz, PhD

Lead Trainer Turkish Language
Aslihan Tokgoz

Aslihan is an experienced Turkish mental health professional who has seen the positive impacts AHPP has had with other Turkish mental health professionals and medical doctors who work with parents. She is a passionate parenting advocate with a goal of bringing the AHPP program to Turkish professionals and parents to promote research-based compassionate and holistic parenting and family flourishing. 



Tina McRorie

Team Trainer
Tina McRorie, Team Trainer

Tina has been supporting parents with science-backed information on many aspects of parenting and child-development for over 20 years. She has been involved with API as a support group leader, AHPP educator and on the team bringing the AHPP trainings to you.

Tina earned degrees in psychology from the University of California at Santa Cruz and New College of California, has worked as a social worker in the foster care system and used the Eight Parenting Principles in raising her own two kids, who are now wonderful young adults.


Maria Papafilippou

Lead Trainer Greek Language
Maria Papafilippou

Maria works in private practice as a parent counselor and psychotherapist and serves as the scientific director of the three-year training program for professionals in “Counselling Parents in Attachment Parenting.”  

She started Attachment Parenting Hellas, assisted with translating the “Attached at the Heart” book into Greek and has provided scientific editing for the educational guide “Sinai/no” for the team of Genderhood. She is a training member for NeuBric (Neonatal Brain Care), a multidisciplinary, trauma-informed training program that aims to foster the neuro development of preterm babies, designed by Ilitominon in collaboration with EFCNI for the medical personnel of NICUs.

Maria is a certified parent educator in Positive Discipline and holds a master’s degree (MSc) in Mental Health Studies from King’s College London- Institute of Psychiatry with specialties in Family Systemic Psychotherapy and Child Psychology. She has studied Psychology (BA) at the American College of Greece (Deree) and Political Science and History (BA) at Panteion University. 

Maria is a proud mother to two children.
