
My son has gained a mind of his own. Not that he has ever been much of a compliant child,  but it seems that all of a sudden I have a full blown human being with his own opinions and ways of doing things.

The other morning I was trying to get ready to go grocery shopping and to have a much needed chiropractor visit.  Of course, the days I plan on actually being productive seem to be the days that my son decides he needs a say in things. So we spent over half an hour repeatedly returning to the corner for a little refocus time (on his part) while I hurriedly attempted to shovel food in to my face; while he was eating breakfast I had been busy cleaning up and then getting him down and cleaning up after him… the list goes on. By the time we were finished with our little struggle I was close to being late and desperately needed the adjustment that I was headed in for.

After this little episode I realized that maybe it wasn’t just my back and neck that needed adjusted but also my perspective and maybe some of the ways I am doing things.
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