Simplicity Parenting: Who are you as a family?

We have started to read Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne. The introduction immediately had me riveted as he explained the need for simplicity, what it means, and what is being done to our families. I just loved reading this:

“As parents, we’re the architects of our family’s daily lives. We build a structure for those we love by what we choose to do together, and how we do it. We determine the rhythms of our days; set a pace. There are certainly limits to our control…. Ask any parent of a teenager. And it often feels that our lives are controlling us, caught as we are in a mad rush from one responsibility to another. Yet the unique way that we perform this dance of daily activities says a lot about who we are as a family.”

So I ask you. What is the dance in your family life? How is the architecture laid out? Feel free to discuss at Good Reads!

Author: Stephanie Petters

Stephanie Petters is an API Leader and the Coordinator of the API Reads program through Attachment Parenting International. She and her husband and their daughter live near Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

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