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Parenting Without Power Struggles Raising Joyful Resilient Kids While Staying Cool Calm and Connected

Parenting Without Power Struggles Raising Joyful Resilient Kids While Staying Cool Calm and Connected with Susan Stiffelman - Click here to listen now free of charge

Hosts Lu Hanessian and Barbara Nicholson speak with special guest Susan Stiffelman. 

You’ll discover how to:

• Transform frustration and aggression into adaptation and cooperation

• Keep your cool when your kids push your buttons, talk back or refuse to “play nice”

• Nourish deep attachment with young and older kids

• Help your ADD’ish child survive and thrive, even if you’re ADD’ish yourself

• Inoculate your kids from negative thinking and peer pressure that lead to anger, anxiety, depression, or behavior issues

• Help children manage the emotional challenges of divorce

About Susan

Susan Stiffelman is a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor, an Educational Therapist, Parent Educator and Professional Speaker. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Developmental Psychology from Johnston College/ University of Redlands, a California K-9 Teaching Credential, a Masters of Arts degree from Antioch University in Clinical Psychology, and a California Marriage and Family Therapist licensesince 1991.

Susan works with children, teens, adults, couples and families with academic, circumstantial, and/or emotional challenges, including anxiety, depression, relationship problems, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, AD/HD, explosive behavior, and communication problems.

She helps parents of young and grade school-aged children learn how to manage meltdowns, childhood anxiety, challenges with friends and siblings, academic bumps-in-the-road, and the various array of other typical childhood issues.

Susan also works extensively with teens and their parents, guiding them to reconnect with one another, move out of depression, resistance and the many other stumbling blocks of adolescence, and get back on track emotionally, academically and in their relationships.

Perhaps of most importance is the fact that everything Susan teaches has been “tested” as she has raised her now 17-year old son, who is still joyful, resilient, authentic…and appropriately cool with his Mom!