Your Parent Compass: The ‘enlightened witness’

The latest Parent Compass has been released by Attachment Parenting International (API). Click here to read this thought-provoking message from the API cofounders, or sign up for an API Membership to receive this bimonthly enewsletter directly to your inbox.

“April is both Child Abuse Prevention Month and Cesarean Awareness Month. These two important issues are intertwined in that, in many cases, both may be prevented through parents getting the support and education that are critical in starting their parenting journeys.” ~ Parent Compass, Attachment Parenting International, April 2017

This issue of Parent Compass, “The ‘Enlightened Witness,'” explores the shared roots contributing to 2 seemingly unrelated parenting issues: child abuse and high cesarean rates. It is a compelling call for more intentional early and ongoing parent support. API’s cofounders take it a step further in providing a clear, easy plan for all first-time parents that would secure them ongoing parent education and support to provide lasting impact on their parenting journeys.